
Events • 26/09/2023

Presentation at the EPIC Technology Meeting on Photonics for Bio and Life Science Applications in Baden, Switzerland

#bioprocessing #photonics #sensing
Team • 24/09/2023

💡 Roy Prosopio joined us in March from UniversitĂ© Paris-Saclay where he got a MSc in « Optical Networks and Photonic Systems »

#design #internship #PIC
Events • 16/09/2023

Presentation at EOSAM in Dijon, France.

Funding • 20/07/2023

Our project with URD ABI was selected for funding by the BioMan4R2 cluster!

#bioprocessing #grant #partnership
Events • 15/02/2023

Le Ministre dĂ©lĂ©guĂ© chargĂ© de l’industrie Roland Lescure en pleine inspection d’une de nos puces optiques 🧐

#biotech #integratedphotonics #PIC #sensors